Saturday, September 8, 2012

Utah Ho!

Just when you thought I might be done talking about vacations, it’s time to make my big reveal: It’s only the beginning! Moohawhaw! (That’s an evil laugh, by the way.)

I just returned from an eight day excursion to southern Utah, as hiking around in the desert in extreme temperatures seemed like a fun idea several months ago during the planning stage. During trips like these, pictures are typically my only source of documentation. However, this time I was feeling ambitious, so I also kept a journal. Its point was to allow me to log my thoughts, record exactly what happened should I ever need to recall it, and compile cheap material for use in multiple blog postings later on. (Another evil laugh may be appropriate here.)

As you can see, it was all handwritten. I don’t remember the last time I wrote extensively by hand, and it shows. Just glancing over it now, it’s pretty much illegible. (“Does that say canyon or caveman? What the heck is a rawr? Or is that supposed to be river?”) To the casual observer, it could realistically be anything from a grocery list to a terrible novel to the result of giving a three year old a pencil and letting him or her go to town.
However, despite the fact that it may very well take a minor miracle to decipher what I’ve written, my goal is to post the entire journal in electronic form.
Keep in mind that this is not a foray into serious travel writing, where being informative and educational is the main goal. It’s simply whatever I felt like scribbling down whenever I got the urge to scribble something down. In fact, I’m quite certain that there's an absolute minimum of informative and/or educational information contained in the journal, which is something that I'm very proud of.
Also keep in mind that a lot of it was written during breaks in the various hikes that were undertaken. At these times I was usually hot, dirty, and hungry, so my writing may very well reflect it. (Well, I’m usually always hungry, so that probably didn’t affect things all that much.)
What’s coming up will be a post for each day in the trip, along with whatever pictures seem applicable. The hope is that it’ll be interesting to see what was going through my head in real-time. Basically it’s kind of like the show 24, except without the gratuitous violence. Also, I probably don’t much resemble Keifer Sutherland. Also, there's no annoying ticking clock. Also - ah, never mind. That was a terrible analogy to begin with. Luckily, I'm too lazy to try and come up with another.
So, are you excited?
I didn’t think so, but tough. Thhhbbbtttt! (That’s me sticking my tongue out at you.) I’m the one stuck with the translating, so you’ll get no sympathy from me.
I’ll get started with the very first entry, from the day before vacation:
Vacation Log: Day -1
Plymouth9:06 PM
It’s the night before. Waking up at 5:00AM tomorrow. This wouldn’t be a problem if I were 93 years old. And if I hadn’t drunk a Mountain Dew at 7:00. So probably little sleep tonight.
Oh well. There’s nothing like stumbling around the airport half-asleep.
Tomorrow at this time, I’ll be at Capitol Reef National Park in Utah. Or I’ll be angry because I missed my flight. Or I’ll be in L.A. because I took the wrong one.

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