Saturday, July 17, 2010

Things I Cannot Say

There are some things a person just can’t say. I’m not talking about anything inappropriate, mind you. I’m just saying that there are some words of phrases that a person can’t say without appearing completely out of character. For example, nobody but Spock can say, “That’s highly illogical.” It would just seem forced and out of place. (My first Star Trek reference! I don’t know if I’m happy or embarrassed.)

With that in mind, I’ve compiled a short list of things I wish I could say, because it would be fun, but I can’t, just because it wouldn’t seem right. They are as follows:

“Dern Tootin!”

“Blimey!” and “Rubbish!”

“Jumpin’ Gosh Almighty!!”

“They may take our lives, but they’ll never take…… our FREEDOM!!!!!”

“Your eyes are as blue as window cleaner.” (Redneck pick-up line)

“Woot, woot!” (I know that’s not said much anymore, but I never could say it when everybody else was.)

“Aarrgghh!” (My friend Jeff is the only person I know who actually says that word, and as far as I know, he’s the only one that can pull it off.)

“Saddle up!”

“Let’s touch base on this tomorrow, and then, depending on our bandwidth and what’s on everybody’s plates, we’ll make a final determination of how to allocate the work load, and it goes without mention that we will also make sure everything is documented properly.” – Wait a minute! That’s not something I wish I could say. It’s something I almost could say! Aarrgghh!

Any additions?

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