Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What Do You Mean I Have A Blog?

I've kind of forgotten that I have a blog. The move to the Twin Cities has ripped me out of my comfortable routine of nothingness and has left me with very little free time. Happily, for my three or so regular readers, I think things are settling down, so hopefully I can keep posting.

So, in the meanwhile, here is what I've learned in the last few weeks:

1) I've scratched Truck Driver off of my list of fallback careers. Driving a 10 foot U-Haul was enough. (That leaves rodeo clown, professional baseball announcer, and skydiving instructor, for those of you keeping track.)

2) The drive from MI to MN has definitely gotten longer than it was 8 years ago, when I last did it. I think WI has gone on an eating binge since then and has grown much fatter. (Too many cheese curds, would be my guess.)

3) The first day of work is always the same. People are all very nice to you, but you know that deep down they are scheming on how to dump their work off on you. Also, you wander around in a daze, not knowing anybody or anything, just hoping to make it through the day without making too much of a fool of yourself. ("That's not the lunchroom! That's the CEO's private store!")

4) My badge picture came out better that I had thought. Still, one eye is wide open, and the other is locked down in a fairly good squint. It makes for good contrast. (I think I was halfway through getting into my Clint Eastwood squint when the picture was taken.)

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