Saturday, March 2, 2013

Cue The Fiddle!

I remember that back when I was growing up, I used to snicker at the out-of-touch, lost-in-time, unable-to-change fuddy-duddies who refused to listen to any kind of music that wasn’t popular back in their day, presumably during the Civil War. Get with the times, I’d think. These are the 90’s! Nobody listens to this stuff anymore!

Well, many years later, I’m proud to announce that I’ve basically joined the ranks of those I used to snicker at.

I credit iTunes for this realization. During my random perusing there, I’ve begun to stumble upon names I remember from my youth: Rick Trevino, Joe Diffie, Mark Chesnutt, Shenandoah, among many, many others. This has triggered waves of nostalgia, and I’ve begun to reacquaint myself with some of their music. The effect it’s had on me has been astounding, with my reaction being something like this:

Wait! What’s this? An actual fiddle? Will wonders never cease? And hold on! Can it be?? A steel guitar that’s not tucked away so far back in the production that I can actually hear the notes?? It is!! And what’s this? It’s not a song about how great it is to live in the country, because there you apparently spend 99% percent of your time driving around in trucks and making out with random hot women?? I almost forgot it was possible to have any other kind of song!!!!

Listening to this music again has been wonderful. It instantly takes me back to Saturday mornings of years past, after I’d finished my paper route and would crawl back into bed to listen to American Country Countdown. Now that’s life! I learned so much from Bob Kingsley, with his soothing voice massaging so many useless facts into my brain, such as which song had the biggest jump or the highest debut, or that twenty years ago this week, George Jones was sitting at the top of the charts. Good ol’ Bob…

I guess I always knew that country music had changed since my youth, but I didn’t realize the magnitude. I suppose it’s because this change has been slow and methodical, to the point where I didn't notice it as it was occurring, kind of like when you forget to shave for a while and then eventually realize that your beard is getting tangled up in your steering wheel.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I still like some contemporary country. I haven’t yet converted over entirely to the type of person I used to laugh at back in my youth. (Give me another decade or so and ask me then!) However, if I have to compare today’s country to 90’s country, there’s no question as to where my allegiances lie. Here’s a prime example: I’ve always enjoyed a lot of Joe Diffie’s music, but I’m no fan of the new Jason Aldean song “1994,” which name-checks and pays homage to Joe Diffie, yet still manages to sound as if the writers’ ultimate goal was to make the heads of anybody over the age of thirty explode when they listen to it.

I guess I’m proud to say that I have no Alibis. I like 90’s country! I’ve realized that it’s all I’ve ever Wanted! I get Carried Away listening to it! It makes me feel like a Brand New Man! Hey, I’m Only Here For A Little While, so why shouldn’t I enjoy myself? I mean, She’s In Love With The Boy, right? Wait, that doesn’t even make sense. Um, I’d Be Better Off (In A Pine Box)? No, that’s even worse! Dang it, it was going so well! I’d better quit while I have Friends In Low Places… AARRGGH!

Still, my point is clear. I’ve become the person I used to laugh at, and I don’t really care that I have. And, the best part is, the 90’s version of me, who’s out there somewhere in the space/time continuum delivering the Daily Mining Gazette, can’t even be annoyed at my betrayal, because I’m coming back to everything that was popular in his day!! It’s a win/win situation!! Everybody’s happy!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m having an irresistible urge to make a mixed tape that includes “Chattahoochee.” Yes!!!

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