Saturday, December 10, 2011

Remote Start

Winter’s icy grip has finally descended upon us, and I can’t say that I’m thrilled. Perhaps it’s because the season tends to drag, since I’m not involved in many winter activities besides driving around with a hockey stick in my car and drinking hot cocoa in a heated room while watching the thermometer as temperatures plummet to concerning levels.

There is, however, one thing that I like about winter; my remote car start. In fact, I like it so much that if you see me even occasionally over the next few months, you’ll be sick of me before the spring, because I’ll always find a way to slip it into any conversation:

“Yeah that was a great game, almost as great as having my car warmed up by the time I get out to it!”

“Yes, officer, I realize I was speeding, but it was because I was so excited that my car was warm when I got out to it, because of my remote start. Wanna hear about it in excruciating detail?”

“Talk about bad luck! I didn’t know it was possible to get charged by a bear and a moose in a parking lot at the same time! What are the odds? You know what might cheer you up? Getting a remote car start, like me! Let me tell you all about it! Hey, where are you going? I don’t think you should be running with casts on your legs!”

I’ll also spend a lot of time telling you of all the places I got the remote start to work, and how happy it made me:

“So I was in the grocery store, and I couldn’t even see my car. Still, I hit the button, and sure enough, when I got out to the parking lot, there it was, running like a champ! Isn’t that amazing!? Hey, where are you going?”

So, I apologize in advance for being annoying, it’s just that I can’t help myself. I need something to help me through these coming days of no sun or warmth, and this is it.

I am, however, taking somewhat of a risk with it. This is because I was initially given two remove fobs upon purchase, but last year I accidentally ran one of them through the wash. While not disabling it, something far worse happened: It began to randomly send its single out, which meant that my car was starting intermittently in the parking garage below my apartment. Beyond repair, I had to put the fob out of its misery, which was actually kind of fun because it involved smashing stuff with other stuff.

So now I’m left with only one fob, and hopefully I’ll manage to keep it out of the wash and not lose it. Still, I’m not too worried. I’m pretty responsible, and once I put my mind to something like this, I can usually accomplish it. Just as long as nobody does anything malicious to it, although I don’t see any reason why somebody would do that.

Anyway, let me tell you a little more about this thing. It’s made by Compustar. Unfortunately, to save money, I only got a 1-way, and not a 2-way. In retrospect, I should have gone with the 2-way, and here’s why: When you have a 2-way remote start – Hey! Where are you going?

1 comment:

  1. Now I really want to know. What happens with a 2-way vs a 1-way?
