Saturday, April 2, 2011

Parking Lot Etiquette

I need your opinion. It’s pretty important, because it’ll determine whether I’m a highly unstable lunatic or just the victim of somebody who knows nothing about parking their car.

It goes like this: At work there’s a parking lot. In this parking lot there are multiple rows of parking spaces. Each row consists of two levels of parking, like just about every other parking lot in existence. Now, I have my typical parking spot in a certain row. I pull through the first parking spot up into the second, which is closest to the building. This leaves my car facing out of the row, which keeps me from having to back out when I leave in the afternoon.

With me so far?

The problem is that sometimes there's a guy who gets there before me. You’re probably thinking that he takes my spot, but he doesn’t. Instead, he takes the spot directly behind my spot, which means that he doesn’t pull all the way through, like I do. That leaves my spot open, but I’m now left with two annoying ways of getting in and out: I can either back in, so I can pull directly out in the afternoon, or I can pull in, leaving me facing his vehicle and making it so that I have to back out in the afternoon. (If I beat him to my spot, I don’t have to do any backing up.)

This may not seem like a big issue to you, but it drives me absolutely bonkers. Why would somebody not pull all the way through and take my spot? Why stop in the first spot? Not only does it screw up my plans, but it also virtually guarantees that he also has to back up when he leaves!!!!! AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

The worst is when this guy pulls into the parking lot just ahead of me, because I can see it all happen right before my eyes. I’m pretty certain that a vein starts to pulsate in my head and my face turns completely red. I probably white-knuckle the steering wheel and grind my teeth so hard that puffs of enamel fill the air. I then watch helplessly as the guy defies all logic and stops in the first parking spot. I’m pretty certain he then walks into the building, whistling happily, totally oblivious to what has just occurred.

Now, you may be wondering why this is a big deal. Surely I could use the parking spot right next to my usual one with there being no tangible difference to me. The answer is that I could, and I usually do, but it’s the principle of the whole matter that gets to me.

So, am I crazy? Am I blowing something inconsequential totally out of proportion? Should I be worrying that I may be unstable? Or is this a pretty universal response and the blame all lies with the other party?

And, most importantly, is it weird that I’m thinking of getting revenge by getting there first and stealing his crappy spot?


  1. okay, I think you should just get over it. People like me don't put so much thought into parking spaces and probably take other people's spots and park in dumb places all the time. And we don't even mean anything by it.
    Is it really so hard to back out? It's good for your neck after a long day at the office to stretch it over your shoulder and look back while your backing out of your parking space. In fact, maybe you should plan it so you get a good neck stretch on each side, alternating days.
    Do you also worry about which way to put your toilet paper and how many times to use your towel before washing it? Just wondering...

  2. Wow! you have a serious aversion to backing out of the parking space. Is the reverse out of commision? Do you have to put it in gear, then jump out and physically force it out of the space? Actually, I can understand. I'm a creature of habit too and strongly believe that some people have no common sense. Thanks for the laugh.

  3. I think you just need to reeelaaaaaaaxxx!!!

  4. Haha. It's always the little things that drive us most bonkers! Just make sure you pull all the way through when you take his space so that you don't have to back out!

  5. I think he is secretly messing with you, because he knows how crazy you get over it. He loves those days when he's right in front of you, because then he can see your face, as he happily pulls into his spot and leaves yours wide open.

  6. I guess I'll try to relax a bit, but I'm not promising anything. (I may even try yelling "Serenity now!")

    Interestly enough, since I posted this I have not seen the object of my irritation. Perhaps he reads my blog and I scared him away.

  7. I don't know who you are, but I just stumbled upon your blog and it makes me laugh. Sometimes I get really worked up over little things (yes, I think this is a little thing) and so I can relate. And I'm glad I'm not alone.
