Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's Gourmet To Me

Lately I’ve been having regular Cheerios every morning for breakfast, in an attempt to eat somewhat healthy. (Unfortunately, long gone are the wonderful days of Fruity Pebbles.) At first, this went fine. It’s not like Cheerios taste out of this world or anything, but that’s the price you pay for a healthy heart, or whatever else General Mills is advertising that their products do nowadays. However, after a week or two, my exuberance towards Cheerios took a severe nosedive, because you can only eat them every day for so long before they start to taste like sawdust.

Flash forward to today. I stopped by the grocery store because I was out of sawdust - I mean Cheerios. I wandered into the cereal aisle, looking for those familiar, big, bright yellow boxes, not at all excited to be doing so. I quickly spotted them, and was about to pick one out, when something else caught my eye, something tantalizing and exciting, something that brought hope to an otherwise dreary moment; a big, bright green box.

Apple Cinnamon Cheerios.

It was like in the movies when the choir sings in the background and light streams down from above as a great treasure is found. I’ve never been more excited about cereal in my entire life, including all of the times when I was a kid and I got the crappy toy inside the box to go along with my breakfast. I eagerly grabbed the biggest green box from the shelf, and by then I’d already decided that's what I was having for supper.

The red lights seemed to last twice as long on my way home. I anxiously tapped my fingers on the steering wheel, my stomach growling loudly. How long had it been since I’d had cinnamon? Too long, that’s for sure! I’m almost embarrassed by how giddy I was to have cereal for supper. Finally, I burst through my front door, and seconds later I took my first bite.

It was as good as I'd hoped for. Two bowls later, I was a happy, happy man.

Now, I understand that Apple Cinnamon Cheerios aren’t as healthy as regular Cheerios, but I also don’t care. I also know exactly what’s going to happen: I’m going to eat Apple Cinnamon Cheerios every day, sometimes multiple times per day, until I get so sick of them that I won’t ever want to see them again. The best part is that even though I realize this, I’m not going to do anything about it, like eating it sparingly so that I don’t burn out on it. Nope, I’m going to go on an apple cinnamon binge, enjoying every moment of it until it blows up in my face and I’m wishing for a nice bowl of sawdust of breakfast.

That’s what I call a plan.

Plus, there’s always Yogurt Burst Cheerios to fall back on.

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention Multi-grain, which are a better tasting sawdust.
