Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Two Years

Wow, time sure flies when you’re continually racking your brain to come up with comments and observations that you hope the greater blog-viewing public will find witty and entertaining, and, if not that, at least not bad enough to provoke the slashing of your tires by annoyed readers. #IronicReferenceToPastEntry #ApparantlyAddictedToHashTags #Sorry

What I’m getting at is that I recently celebrated my two-year blogiversary. “Celebrated” probably isn’t the right word, as I totally forgot about it until now, roughly two weeks too late. No worries, though. I’ll just do a heel-clicker and call it good. Anyway, it’s been two years of me kneading random ideas in my head until they sound feasible, followed by me giggling as I type away furiously at my word processor, then me cackling gleefully as I hit the ‘publish’ button, and finally me gasping and turning red as I notice all of my spelling and logic mistakes. (You’d think there would be a step devoted to fixing these mistakes, but I’m working on a shoestring budget here.)

On a more serious note, I’d like to thank anybody who’s taken the time to read what I’ve had to write at any point over the last two years. I’d like to think that I’d keep doing it even if nobody read it, but that’s probably not the case. Also, thanks to those who have taken the time to add their comments, especially those of you who I don’t even know. I haven’t been very good as responding to them, but please know that they have been appreciated.

So, there we have it. Another year in the books, a year in which I’ve been able to discuss, among other things, the upcoming zombie uprising, Kid Rock, migrating bruises, Bigfoot, wearing a barrel instead of clothing, and falling in love in Washington. (Hey, Peak 6 Girl! Have you found this blog yet? You’re still beautiful!) I consider that a pretty good year. With that said, I’ve already shifted gears and am looking forward to year three. Here are some of my goals:
  • Lots of humorous and embarrassing tales involving my family, especially my parents, just to see how far I can stretch the limits of unconditional love. (Hi Mom! Just kidding!)
  • More pictures of giant slugs.
  • No more hashtags. (But I can’t promise anything.)
  • Better research in order to bring my readers greater in-depth analysis and balanced…Ha! I can’t even finish that one!
Well, apparently I have no real goals. Still, that hasn’t stopped me before, and it’s probably better that way. So join me, will you, and together we’ll embark on the next leg of this journey that we’ve begun together, boldly going where this blog hasn’t gone before, without forgetting what’s gotten us this far, and possibly, but not likely, even making an occasional ounce of sense. #SuperInspiredRightNow #Goosebumps #DangThereGoesThatGoal


  1. Du bist ein weirdo, but I like you anyways.

  2. Ein weirdo? Ich? (oder ist es 'mich'?)


  3. I have never done anything embarrassing that you could write about.............have I???


    P.S. Yes, I do read your blog!
