Sunday, September 26, 2010

They Say The Darndest Things

Seriously, I get lazy one time, and I get nailed.

Here's the deal. I didn't shave before church this Sunday, which left me with about two days worth of growth. A little fuzzy, but no big deal, right?

However, it wasn't long before my nephew, who was sitting one pew up, leaned over and informed me, "When you get home you have to take a bath and shave your whiskers."

The whiskers I can see. But a bath? I thought I had that covered.

Maybe I just need to invest in a better deodorant.


  1. Sheesh. :) Thanks for providing a diversion and extra hands this weekend.

  2. when "kids say the darndest things," they are most likely true!...didn't we already have this conversation?? with my boy/girl hair?
