Saturday, August 21, 2010

Keyword Craziness

Sometimes you just have to shamelessly self-promote. Sure, you feel dirty after doing it, but in today’s cutthroat world must do whatever possible to stay relevant.

So, that is why this entry contains nothing but popular keywords that can be found using search engines, which will hopefully increase the traffic to this site and make it insanely popular.

Tacky? Yes.
Unprofessional? Undoubtedly.
Smart? Absolutely!

In fact, the only way this can’t work is if I spell everything wrong and the search engines never find them. Still, I’m prtty shure there’s onlee a small chans of that happening.

Cue the evil laugh!!!!

David Hasselhoff
BP Oil Spill
Dallas Cowboys
Obama sucks
Obama rules
Harry Potter
Lebron James toilet paper
Macaroni and cheese recipe
How to get girls to like you
How to get creepy boys to stop liking you
Grand Ole Opry
Star Wars: why are the prequels so crappy?
Hannah Montana
True meaning of life
Iran nuclear
Evil Dead Army Of Darkness Alternate Ending
Visual Studio 2010 VB.Net new features
New York Yankees
The Daily Show
Pawlenty for President
How old is the earth?
Red Green Show
Going green
Dukes of Hazzard
Minnesota Twins
American Idol
Car Talk
Bill Cosby jello
Jeff Parks
Kobe Bryant
Unsightly nose hair
2010 November elections
Life on Mars
John McCain maverick
Lady Gaga
Facebook privacy
Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated
Arizona Immigration
Last Rodeo Tour
New York City Mosque
Creationism vs. evolution
30 Rock
Can you drink Lake Superior water?
SQL correlated subqueries
Traprock valley
Mel Gibson yelling
Rush Limbaugh yelling
Jonas Brothers
Android phone
Glenn Beck
IPhone 4
Dusty Vagabond
Air-On services webpage
Justin Bieber
Keith Olbermann yelling
Mario Brothers

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