Monday, May 17, 2010

Blogging Writer's Block

Apparantly, I've run out of anything interesting to say lately, as evidenced by my lack of recent posts.

I suppose what I should do is keep a low profile until I'm inspired, and only then post something, so that the material will stay high-quality. (Relative to me, of course)

Or, I could push ahead and publish inferior material for the sole purpose of trying to seem relevant and to make myself feel important. I mean, how could that go wrong?

Wait a minute, that gives me an idea for a topic!

If My Ideas For Blogging Topics Were A:

1) Desert scene - There would be tumbleweeds lazily drifting by, and a bleached white cow skull baking in the sun.

2) Sporting Event - The stadium would be completely devoid of fans, and the only thing going on would be a single game of horseshoes between two 80 year old guys, one who can't hear and the other who mumbles.

3) Band - The drummer would be stuck in traffic, the lead guitarist would have two broken wrists, and the lead singer would have laryngitis.

4) Movie - It would be a horrible remake of some 80's TV show, and would lose the spirit of the original, while still not bringing anything new to the table.

5) Dang it! I can't think of another one! Oh well, that figures.

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