Monday, February 20, 2023

The Gauntlet of Terror

I feel sweat beading up on my forehead as I slowly peek out from behind my hiding spot, surveying the maze of danger lain out before me. My heart is pounding loudly in my chest, and I find myself continually having to wipe the cold sweat from my hands onto my jeans. Not exactly the way I pictured this day going.

Although everything looks clear now, I know I can’t allow myself to be lulled into a false sense of security. They’re most certainly out there, skittering around looking for victims, able to appear from seemingly out of nowhere in an instant, always ready to pounce.

I take a deep breath. Staying where I am is just as bad as moving around out in the open, and so I have to go for it. I have to at least give myself a chance! Selfishly, I hope they’re busy with others, allowing me the opportunity to slip through their perimeter and gain my freedom. I shake my head at the darkness that’s crept into my thoughts.

I wipe my hands dry again and slide out from behind cover. With my eyes darting about relentlessly, I move ahead ten yards or so before ducking behind another obstruction. Slow and steady, I say to myself. Calm and controlled. You can do this.

I slowly peak out again, and as I do, I see one of them on patrol, winding its way through the chaos, its eyes searching for another victim. I gasp audibly and duck back down, wondering how something so small can be so scary. I also wonder how it can’t hear my heart banging in my chest, for to me it sounds as loud as thunder. I squeeze my eyes shut, as if pretending it's not there will somehow make it go away.

A long minute passes, and miraculously I’m not discovered. Knowing I have to keep moving, I make sure my cargo is still secure and then peak out again. The coast is clear. For now.

The next few minutes are tense, with every nearby sound causing me to shudder in fear. My movements are sporadic and harried as I make my way towards the exit, using every bit of cover I can find along the way. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, I can see it looming ahead, gleaming brightly in the late afternoon sun: the door to the outside world!

However, just as I step out into the open, ready to make a final run, I suddenly see one of them heading my way. I freeze in terror, knowing I’ve been spotted, and also that trying to hide would be useless. Now what? Is this it? Is this how it ends? I look around helplessly, but there’s nowhere to go, no escape to be had.

Then, just when I think I’m done for, my pursuer turns off abruptly, shifting its attention to a party of two off to my right. Those poor people! However, knowing there’s nothing I can do to help them, I decide to make a break for it, and a moment later my arms are pumping as I sprint for the door. I dodge various obstacles, weaving left and right, and soon a feeling of elation is welling up inside of me. Maybe, just maybe, I can make it!!

Then, just as I reach the self-checkout aisle, I hear a cute little voice in front of me, materializing from out of thin air: “Hello! Would you like to buy some Girl Scout Cookies?”